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SBML - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.EDAMOntology
Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML), the standard XML format for models of biological processes such as for example metabolism, cell signaling, and gene regulation (SBML).
SBOLConversionException - Exception in org.sbolstandard.core2
Signals that an exception related to conversion between SBOL and other file formats has occurred.
SBOLDocument - Class in org.sbolstandard.core2
Represents the SBOL document where all top-level instances can be created and manipulated.
SBOLDocument() - Constructor for class org.sbolstandard.core2.SBOLDocument
Creates a new SBOLDocument instance with one empty list for the namespaces and one for each top-level instance, and then adds the following namespaces: Sbol2Terms.sbol2, Sbol1Terms.rdf, Sbol2Terms.dc, and Sbol2Terms.prov.
SBOLReader - Class in org.sbolstandard.core2
Provides methods to read input SBOL files.
SBOLReader() - Constructor for class org.sbolstandard.core2.SBOLReader
SBOLValidate - Class in org.sbolstandard.core2
Provides functionality for validating SBOL data models.
SBOLValidate() - Constructor for class org.sbolstandard.core2.SBOLValidate
SBOLValidationException - Exception in org.sbolstandard.core2
Signals that an SBOL validation rule violation has occurred.
SBOLVERSION1 - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SBOLReader
Constant representing SBOL version 1.1
SBOLVERSION2 - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SBOLReader
Constant representing SBOL version 2.0
SBOLWriter - Class in org.sbolstandard.core2
Provides methods to output SBOL files in XML/RDF format.
SBOLWriter() - Constructor for class org.sbolstandard.core2.SBOLWriter
search(SearchQuery) - Method in class org.synbiohub.frontend.SynBioHubFrontend
Search this SynBioHub instance for objects matching a search query
SearchCriteria - Class in org.synbiohub.frontend
Class for search criteria
SearchCriteria() - Constructor for class org.synbiohub.frontend.SearchCriteria
SearchQuery - Class in org.synbiohub.frontend
Class for search queries
SearchQuery() - Constructor for class org.synbiohub.frontend.SearchQuery
Sequence - Class in org.sbolstandard.core2
Represents a Sequence object in the SBOL data model.
SEQUENCE - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.TopLevel
The abbreviation for the Sequence type in URI
SEQUENCE_FEATURE - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SequenceOntology
Any extent of continuous biological sequence.
SequenceAnnotation - Class in org.sbolstandard.core2
Represents a SequenceAnnotation object in the SBOL data model.
SequenceConstraint - Class in org.sbolstandard.core2
Represents a SequenceConstraint object in the SBOL data model.
SequenceOntology - Class in org.sbolstandard.core2
This class provides methods for accessing Sequence Ontology (SO) terms and querying about their relationships.
SequenceOntology() - Constructor for class org.sbolstandard.core2.SequenceOntology
Construct an SO ontology and reads the OBO definition file, if it has not been read in before.
setAccess(AccessType) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.ComponentInstance
Sets the access property to the given one.
setAdministratorEmail(String) - Method in class org.synbiohub.frontend.WebOfRegistriesData
setAgent(URI) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Association
setAnnotations(List<Annotation>) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Annotation
Sets the list of Annotations of the nested value property.
setApproved(String) - Method in class org.synbiohub.frontend.WebOfRegistriesData
setAt(int) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Cut
Sets the at property of this Cut instance to the given one.
setAttachments(Set<URI>) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.TopLevel
Clears the existing set of attachments first, and then adds the given set of the attachments to this top level.
setBooleanValue(boolean) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Annotation
Sets the boolean representation of the value property.
setBuilt(URI) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Implementation
Sets the URI of the built property to the given one.
setBuilt(TopLevel) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Implementation
Sets the the built property to the given one.
setCombinatorialDerivation(CombinatorialDerivation) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.VariableComponent
Sets the parent combinatorial derivation to the given one.
setComplete(boolean) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SBOLDocument
Sets the complete flag to the given value.
setCompliant(boolean) - Static method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SBOLReader
Sets the compliant flag to the given value.
setComponent(String) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SequenceAnnotation
Sets this sequence annotation's reference component (its identity URI) to the one matching the given display ID.
setComponent(URI) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SequenceAnnotation
Sets the reference component's identity URI to the given URI.
setCreateDefaults(boolean) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SBOLDocument
Sets the createDefaults flag to the given value.
setCriteria(ArrayList<SearchCriteria>) - Method in class org.synbiohub.frontend.SearchQuery
Set the search criteria
setDefaultSequenceEncoding(URI) - Static method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SBOLReader
Sets the defaultsequenceEndocding flag to the given value.
setDefaultURIprefix(String) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SBOLDocument
Sets the default URI prefix of this SBOL document to the given one.
setDefinition(URI) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Component
Sets the definition property to the given one.
setDefinition(URI) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.ComponentInstance
Sets the definition property to the given one.
setDefinition(URI) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.FunctionalComponent
Sets the definition property to the given one.
setDefinition(URI) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Module
Sets the reference definition URI to this module.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Identified
Sets the description property for this instance.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.synbiohub.frontend.IdentifiedMetadata
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.synbiohub.frontend.WebOfRegistriesData
setDirection(DirectionType) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.FunctionalComponent
Sets the direction property of this functional component to the given one.
setDisplayId(String) - Static method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SBOLReader
Sets the SBOL default displayId for this reader.
setDisplayId(String) - Method in class org.synbiohub.frontend.IdentifiedMetadata
setDoubleValue(double) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Annotation
Sets the double representation of the value property.
setDropObjectsWithDuplicateURIs(boolean) - Static method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SBOLReader
Sets the value of the dropObjectsWithDuplicateURIs flag.
setElements(String) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Sequence
Sets the elements property to the given argument.
setEncoding(URI) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Sequence
Sets the encoding property to the given argument.
setEnd(int) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Range
Sets the end position of this range.
setEndedAtTime(DateTime) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Activity
setEntity(URI) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Usage
setExperimentalData(Set<URI>) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Experiment
Clears the existing set of experimentalData of this Experiment instance first, then adds the given set of the experimentalData references to it.
setFormat(URI) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Attachment
Sets the URI of this attachment's format property
setFramework(URI) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Model
Sets the framework property to the given one.
setHash(String) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Attachment
sets this attachment's hash property
setId(String) - Method in class org.synbiohub.frontend.WebOfRegistriesData
setInstanceUrl(String) - Method in class org.synbiohub.frontend.WebOfRegistriesData
setIntegerValue(int) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Annotation
Sets the integer representation of the value property.
setKeepGoing(boolean) - Static method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SBOLReader
Sets the value for the keepGoing flag to the given boolean value.
setKeepGoing(boolean) - Static method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SBOLWriter
Sets the value for the keepGoing flag to the given boolean value.
setKey(String) - Method in class org.synbiohub.frontend.SearchCriteria
Set the search key
setLanguage(URI) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Model
Sets the language property to the given one.
setLimit(Integer) - Method in class org.synbiohub.frontend.SearchQuery
Set the search limit
setLocal(URI) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.MapsTo
Sets the local property of this mapsTo to the given one.
setMembers(Set<URI>) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Collection
Clears the existing set of members of this Collection instance first, then adds the given set of the member references to it.
setModels(Set<URI>) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.ModuleDefinition
Clears the existing set of model URIs first, then adds the given set of the model URIs to this module definition.
setName(String) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Identified
Sets the name property for this instance.
setName(String) - Method in class org.synbiohub.frontend.IdentifiedMetadata
setName(String) - Method in class org.synbiohub.frontend.WebOfRegistriesData
setNestedIdentity(URI) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Annotation
Sets the nested URI for this annotation.
setNestedQName(QName) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Annotation
Sets the nested QName for this annotation.
setNumericalValue(Double) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Measure
setObject(URI) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SequenceConstraint
Sets the reference object component's identity URI to the given one.
setOffset(Integer) - Method in class org.synbiohub.frontend.SearchQuery
Set the search offset
setOperator(OperatorType) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.VariableComponent
Sets the operator property to the given one.
setOrientation(OrientationType) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Location
Sets the orientation property of this location to the given one.
setParticipant(URI) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Participation
Sets the participant property of this object to the given one.
setPlan(URI) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Association
setQName(QName) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Annotation
Sets the QName of this annotation.
setRDFType(QName) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.GenericTopLevel
Set the RDF type property of this GenericTopLevel instance to the specified one.
setRefinement(RefinementType) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.MapsTo
Sets the refinement property of this mapsTo to the given one.
setRemote(URI) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.MapsTo
Sets the remote property of this mapsTo to the given one.
setRestriction(RestrictionType) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SequenceConstraint
Sets the restriction property to the given one.
setRestriction(URI) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SequenceConstraint
Sets the reference subject component's identity URI to the given one.
setRoleIntegration(RoleIntegrationType) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Component
Sets the roleIntegration property of this object to the given one.
setRoles(Set<URI>) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Association
Clears the existing set of roles first, and then adds the given set of the roles to this association.
setRoles(Set<URI>) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Component
Clears the existing set of roles first, and then adds the given set of the roles to this component.
setRoles(Set<URI>) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.ComponentDefinition
Clears the existing set of roles first, and then adds the given set of the roles to this component definition.
setRoles(Set<URI>) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.ModuleDefinition
Clears the existing set of roles first, and then adds the given set of the roles this module definition.
setRoles(Set<URI>) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Participation
Clears the existing set of roles first, and then adds the given set of the roles to this participation.
setRoles(Set<URI>) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SequenceAnnotation
Clears the existing set of roles first, and then adds the given set of the roles to this sequence annotation.
setRoles(Set<URI>) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Usage
Clears the existing set of roles first, and then adds the given set of the roles to this usage.
setSequence(URI) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Location
Sets the sequence property to the given one.
setSequences(Set<URI>) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.ComponentDefinition
Clears the existing set of sequences first, and then adds the given set of the sequences to this component definition.
setSize(long) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Attachment
Sets the value of this attachment's size property
setSource(URI) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Attachment
Sets the source property to the given one.
setSource(URI) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Model
Sets the source property to the given one.
setStart(int) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Range
Sets the start position of this range.
setStartedAtTime(DateTime) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Activity
setStrategy(StrategyType) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.CombinatorialDerivation
Sets the strategy property to the given one.
setStringValue(String) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Annotation
Sets the string representation of the value property.
setSubject(URI) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SequenceConstraint
Sets the reference subject Component URI to the given subjectURI.
setTemplate(URI) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.CombinatorialDerivation
Sets the template property to the given one.
setType(String) - Method in class org.synbiohub.frontend.IdentifiedMetadata
Set the type
setTypes(Set<URI>) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Activity
Clears the existing set of types first, then adds the given set of the types to this activity.
setTypes(Set<URI>) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.ComponentDefinition
Clears the existing set of types first, then adds the given set of the types to this component definition.
setTypes(Set<URI>) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Interaction
Clears the existing set of type URIs first, then adds the given set of the type URIs to this interaction.
setTypes(Set<URI>) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Measure
Clears the existing set of types first, and then adds the given set of the types to this measure.
setTypesInURI(boolean) - Static method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SBOLReader
Sets the value for the typesInURI flag.
setTypesInURIs(boolean) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SBOLDocument
Sets the typesInURIs flag to the given value.
setUnit(URI) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Measure
setUpdateWorking(String) - Method in class org.synbiohub.frontend.WebOfRegistriesData
setUri(String) - Method in class org.synbiohub.frontend.IdentifiedMetadata
setURIPrefix(String) - Static method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SBOLReader
Sets the specified authority as the prefix.
setUriPrefix(String) - Method in class org.synbiohub.frontend.WebOfRegistriesData
setURIValue(URI) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Annotation
Sets the string representation of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class org.synbiohub.frontend.SearchCriteria
Set the search value
setVariable(URI) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.VariableComponent
Sets the variable property to the given one.
setVariableComponents(Set<VariableComponent>) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.CombinatorialDerivation
Clears the existing set of variable components first, and then adds the given set of the variable components to this combinatorial derivation.
setVariantCollections(Set<URI>) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.VariableComponent
Clears the existing set of variant collections first, and then adds the given set of the variant collections to this variable component.
setVariantDerivations(Set<URI>) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.VariableComponent
Clears the existing set of variant derivations first, and then adds the given set of the variant derivations to this variable component.
setVariants(Set<URI>) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.VariableComponent
Clears the existing set of variants first, and then adds the given set of the variants to this variable component.
setVersion(String) - Static method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SBOLReader
Sets the SBOL default version for this reader.
setVersion(String) - Method in class org.synbiohub.frontend.IdentifiedMetadata
setWasDerivedFrom(URI) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Identified
setWasDerivedFroms(Set<URI>) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Identified
Clears the existing set of wasDerivedFroms first, and then adds the given set of the wasDerivedFroms.
setWasGeneratedBys(Set<URI>) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Identified
Clears the existing set of wasGeneratedBys first, and then adds the given set of the wasGeneratedBys.
setWasInformedBys(Set<URI>) - Method in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Activity
SGRNA - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SequenceOntology
A small RNA oligo, typically about 20 bases, that guides the cas nuclease to a target DNA sequence in the CRISPR/cas mutagenesis method.
SIDE_PRODUCT - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SystemsBiologyOntology
A substance that is produced in a chemical reaction but is not itself the primary product or focus of that reaction (SBO:0000603).
SIDE_SUBSTRATE - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SystemsBiologyOntology
A substance that is consumed in a chemical reaction but is not itself the primary substrate or focus of that reaction (SBO:0000604).
SILENCER - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SystemsBiologyOntology
A silencer is a modifier which acts in a manner that completely prevents an event or process from occurring (SBO:0000597).
SINGLE - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SequenceOntology
A stand attribute that it indicates it is composed of a single strand.
SMALL_MOLECULE - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.ComponentDefinition
A small bioactive molecule (SmallMolecule).
SMILES - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.Sequence
SMILES was originally developed as a proprietary specification by Daylight Chemical Information Systems Since the introduction of SMILES in the late 1980’s, it has become widely accepted as a defacto standard for exchange of molecular structures (SMILES).
SNAPGENE - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SBOLDocument
Constant representing SnapGene file format
SnapGene - Class in org.sbolstandard.core2
Provides a Java API to a SnapGene Server instance.
SnapGene() - Constructor for class org.sbolstandard.core2.SnapGene
sparqlQuery(String) - Method in class org.synbiohub.frontend.SynBioHubFrontend
Perform a SPARQL query
SPATIAL_CONTINUOUS_FRAMEWORK - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SystemsBiologyOntology
Modelling approach where the quantities of participants are considered continuous, and represented by real values (SBO:0000292).
SPATIAL_DISCRETE_FRAMEWORK - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SystemsBiologyOntology
Modelling approach where the quantities of participants are considered discrete, and represented by integer values (SBO:0000294).
SPECIFIC_ACTIVATOR - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SystemsBiologyOntology
An essential activator that affects the apparent value of the specificity constant (SBO:0000533).
STATE_VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SystemsBiologyOntology
Assignment of a state or a value to a state variable, characteristic or property, of a biological entity (SBO:0000464).
STIMULATED - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SystemsBiologyOntology
Conceptual or material entity that is the object of a stimulation process, and is acted upon by a stimulator (SBO:0000643).
STIMULATION - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SystemsBiologyOntology
Positive modulation of the execution of a process (SBO:0000170).
STIMULATOR - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SystemsBiologyOntology
Substance that accelerates the velocity of a chemical reaction without itself being consumed or transformed (SBO:0000459).
STRAND_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SequenceOntology
Attributes added to describe the different kinds of replicon.
StrategyType - Enum in org.sbolstandard.core2
Represents all strategy types for a CombinatorialDerivation object.
SUBSTRATE - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SystemsBiologyOntology
Molecule which is acted upon by an enzyme (SBO:0000015).
SULFATION - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SystemsBiologyOntology
Addition of a sulfate group (SO4--) to a chemical entity (SBO:0000220).
SynBioHubException - Exception in org.synbiohub.frontend
Thrown when the SynBioHub returns an error code.
SynBioHubFrontend - Class in org.synbiohub.frontend
Provides a Java API to SynBioHub instances.
SynBioHubFrontend(String, String) - Constructor for class org.synbiohub.frontend.SynBioHubFrontend
Creates an instance of the SynBioHub API.
SynBioHubFrontend(String) - Constructor for class org.synbiohub.frontend.SynBioHubFrontend
Creates an instance of the SynBioHub API.
SynBioHubFrontend(String, int) - Constructor for class org.synbiohub.frontend.SynBioHubFrontend
Creates an instance of the SynBioHub API.
SynBioHubFrontend(String, String, int) - Constructor for class org.synbiohub.frontend.SynBioHubFrontend
Creates an instance of the SynBioHub API.
SYNTHETIC_LETHALITY - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SystemsBiologyOntology
Synthetic lethality is said to have occurred where gene mutations, each of which map to a separate locus, fail to complement in an offspring to correct a phenotype, as would be expected (SBO:0000502).
SYSTEMS_DESCRIPTION_PARAMETER - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SystemsBiologyOntology
A value, numerical or symbolic, that defines certain characteristics of systems or system functions, or is necessary in their derivation.
SystemsBiologyOntology - Class in org.sbolstandard.core2
This class provides methods for accessing Systems Biology Ontology (SBO) terms and querying about their relationships.
SystemsBiologyOntology() - Constructor for class org.sbolstandard.core2.SystemsBiologyOntology
Construct an SBO ontology object and read the OBO definition file, if it has not been constructed.
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