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PALMITOYLATION - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SystemsBiologyOntology
Addition of a palmitoyl group (CH3-[CH2]14-CO-) to a chemical entity (SBO:0000218).
PARTICIPANT_ROLE - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SystemsBiologyOntology
The function of a physical or conceptual entity, that is its role, in the execution of an event or process (SBO:0000003).
Participation - Class in org.sbolstandard.core2
Represents a Participation object in the SBOL data model.
PETRI_NET_TRANSITION - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SystemsBiologyOntology
A process that can modify the state of petri net 'places' (SBO:0000591).
PHENOTYPE - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SystemsBiologyOntology
A biochemical network can generate phenotypes or affects biological processes (SBO:0000358).
PHOSPHORYLATION - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SystemsBiologyOntology
Addition of a phosphate group (-H2PO4) to a chemical entity (SBO:0000216).
Plan - Class in org.sbolstandard.core2
Represents an Plan object in the SBOL data model.
PLAN - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.TopLevel
The abbreviation for the Plan type in URI
POSITIONAL_RELATIONSHIP - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SystemsBiologyOntology
The connectedness between entities as related by their position (SBO:0000413).
POTENTIATOR - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SystemsBiologyOntology
Substance that increases the probability of a chemical reaction without itself being consumed or transformed by the reaction (SBO:0000021).
PRENYLATION - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SystemsBiologyOntology
Addition of a prenyl group (generic sense) to a chemical entity (SBO:0000221).
PRIMER_BINDING_SITE - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SequenceOntology
Non-covalent primer binding site for initiation of replication, transcription, or reverse transcription (SO:0005850)
PROCESS - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SystemsBiologyOntology
A sequential series of actions, motions, or occurrences, such as chemical reactions, that affect one or more entities in a phenomenologically characteristic manner (SBO:0000375).
PRODUCT - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SystemsBiologyOntology
Substance that is produced in a reaction (SBO:0000011).
PRODUCTION - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SystemsBiologyOntology
Generation of a material or conceptual entity (SBO:0000393).
PROMOTER - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SequenceOntology
A regulatory_region composed of the TSS(s) and binding sites for TF_complexes of the basal transcription machinery (SO:0000167).
PROMOTER - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SystemsBiologyOntology
A region of DNA to which various transcription factors and RNA polymerase must bind in order to initiate transcription for a gene (SBO:0000598).
PROTEIN - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.ComponentDefinition
A physical entity consisting of a sequence of amino acids; a protein monomer; a single polypeptide chain (Protein).
PROTEIN_COMPLEX_FORMATION - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SystemsBiologyOntology
The process by which two or more proteins interact non-covalently to form a protein complex (SBO:0000526).
PROTONATION - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SystemsBiologyOntology
Addition of a proton (H+) to a chemical entity (SBO:0000212).
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