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OCCURRING_ENTITY_REPRESENTATION - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SystemsBiologyOntology
Representation of an entity that manifests, unfolds or develops through time, such as a discrete event, or a mutual or reciprocal action or influence that happens between participating physical entities, and/or other occurring entities (SBO:0000231).
OMITTED_PROCESS - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SystemsBiologyOntology
One or more processes that are not represented in certain representations or interpretations of a model (SBO:0000397).
OPERATOR - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SequenceOntology
A regulatory element of an operon to which activators or repressors bind, thereby effecting translation of genes in that operon (SO:0000057).
OperatorType - Enum in org.sbolstandard.core2
Represents all operator types for a VariableComponent object.
OR - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SystemsBiologyOntology
Any of the preceding events or participating entities are necessary to perform the control (SBO:0000174).
org.synbiohub.frontend - package org.synbiohub.frontend
OrientationType - Enum in org.sbolstandard.core2
Represents the orientation type for extended classes of the Location class.
ORIGIN_OF_REPLICATION - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SequenceOntology
The origin of replication; starting site for duplication of a nucleic acid molecule to give two identical copies (SO:0000296).
OXIDATION - Static variable in class org.sbolstandard.core2.SystemsBiologyOntology
Chemical process during which a molecular entity loses electrons (SBO:0000201).
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