libSBOL  2.3.3
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CComponentUsed to compose ComponentDefinition objects into a structural hierarchy. For example, the ComponentDefinition of a gene could contain four Component objects: a promoter, RBS, CDS, and terminator. In turn, the ComponentDefinition of the promoter Component could contain Component objects defined as various operator sites
 CConfigA class which contains global configuration variables for the libSBOL environment. Intended to be used like a static class, configuration variables are accessed through the Config::setOptions and Config::getOptions methods
 CFunctionalComponentUsed to specify the functional usage of a ComponentDefinition inside a ModuleDefinition. The ModuleDefinition describes how the that describes how the FunctionalComponent interacts with others and summarizes their aggregate function
 COwnedObject< SBOLClass >::iteratorProvides iterator functionality for SBOL properties that contain multiple objects
 CSearchResponse::iteratorProvides iterator functionality for SBOL properties that contain multiple objects
 CDocument::iteratorIterate through TopLevel objects in a Document
 CProperty< LiteralType >::iteratorProvides iterator functionality for SBOL properties that contain multiple values
 CPartShopA class which provides an API front-end for online bioparts repositories
 CProperty< LiteralType >Member properties of all SBOL objects are defined using a Property object
 CProperty< Analysis >
 COwnedObject< Analysis >
 CProperty< double >
 CFloatPropertyFloatProperty objects are used to contain floats
 CProperty< int >
 CIntPropertyIntProperty objects are used to contain integers
 CProperty< sbol::Activity >
 COwnedObject< sbol::Activity >
 CProperty< sbol::Agent >
 COwnedObject< sbol::Agent >
 CProperty< sbol::Association >
 COwnedObject< sbol::Association >
 CProperty< sbol::Attachment >
 COwnedObject< sbol::Attachment >
 CProperty< sbol::Build >
 COwnedObject< sbol::Build >
 CProperty< sbol::Collection >
 COwnedObject< sbol::Collection >
 CProperty< sbol::CombinatorialDerivation >
 COwnedObject< sbol::CombinatorialDerivation >
 CProperty< sbol::Component >
 COwnedObject< sbol::Component >
 CProperty< sbol::ComponentDefinition >
 COwnedObject< sbol::ComponentDefinition >
 CProperty< sbol::Design >
 COwnedObject< sbol::Design >
 CProperty< sbol::Experiment >
 COwnedObject< sbol::Experiment >
 CProperty< sbol::FunctionalComponent >
 COwnedObject< sbol::FunctionalComponent >
 CProperty< sbol::Implementation >
 COwnedObject< sbol::Implementation >
 CProperty< sbol::Interaction >
 COwnedObject< sbol::Interaction >
 CProperty< sbol::Location >
 COwnedObject< sbol::Location >
 CProperty< sbol::MapsTo >
 COwnedObject< sbol::MapsTo >
 CProperty< sbol::Measurement >
 COwnedObject< sbol::Measurement >
 CProperty< sbol::Model >
 COwnedObject< sbol::Model >
 CProperty< sbol::Module >
 COwnedObject< sbol::Module >
 CProperty< sbol::ModuleDefinition >
 COwnedObject< sbol::ModuleDefinition >
 CProperty< sbol::Participation >
 COwnedObject< sbol::Participation >
 CProperty< sbol::Plan >
 COwnedObject< sbol::Plan >
 CProperty< sbol::SampleRoster >
 COwnedObject< sbol::SampleRoster >
 CProperty< sbol::Sequence >
 COwnedObject< sbol::Sequence >
 CProperty< sbol::SequenceAnnotation >
 COwnedObject< sbol::SequenceAnnotation >
 CProperty< sbol::SequenceConstraint >
 COwnedObject< sbol::SequenceConstraint >
 CProperty< sbol::Test >
 COwnedObject< sbol::Test >
 CProperty< sbol::Usage >
 COwnedObject< sbol::Usage >
 CProperty< sbol::VariableComponent >
 COwnedObject< sbol::VariableComponent >
 CProperty< SBOLClass >
 COwnedObject< SBOLClass >A container property that contains child objects
 CProperty< std::string >
 CTextPropertyTextProperty objects are used to contain string literals
 CDateTimePropertyContains a DateTime string following XML Schema
 CVersionPropertyContains a version number for an SBOL object
 CURIPropertyA URIProperty may contain a restricted type of string that conforms to the specification for a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), typically consisting of a namespace authority followed by an identifier
 CReferencedObjectA reference to another SBOL object Contains a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that refers to an an associated object
 CSBOLObjectAn SBOLObject converts a C++ class data structure into an RDF triple store and contains methods for serializing and parsing RDF triples
 CIdentifiedAll SBOL-defined classes are directly or indirectly derived from the Identified abstract class
 CAssociationAn Association is linked to an Agent through the agent relationship. The Association includes the hadRole property to qualify the role of the Agent in the Activity
 CDocumentRead and write SBOL using a Document class. The Document is a container for Components, Modules, and all other SBOLObjects
 CInteractionMore detailed descriptionof how the FunctionalComponents are intended to work together. For example, this class can be used to represent different forms of genetic regulation (e.g., transcriptional activation or repression), processes from the central dogma of biology (e.g. transcription and translation), and other basic molecular interactions (e.g., non-covalent binding or enzymatic phosphorylation)
 CLocationStrand orientation of a Component and can be further extended by the Range, Cut, and GenericLocation classes
 CMapsToThe purpose of the MapsTo class is to make identity relationships between different ComponentInstances in functional and structural hierarchies more clear. For example, a MapsTo object may be used to connect outputs and inputs between different low-level ModuleDefinitions contained in a higher level Module Definition. A MapsTo object may also be used to override a generic Component in a low-level ModuleDefinition with an explicit Component in a high-level ModuleDefinition, for example mapping a generic gene to an explicit component with a name and sequence
 CMeasurementThe purpose of the Measure class is to link a numerical value to a unit of measure
 CModuleSubmodule of a ModuleDefinition within a hierarchical design
 CParticipationEach Participation represents how a particular FunctionalComponent behaves in its parent Interaction
 CSequenceAnnotationDescribes one or more regions of interest on the Sequence objects referred to by its parent ComponentDefinition. In addition, SequenceAnnotation objects can describe the substructure of their parent ComponentDefinition through association with the Component objects contained by this ComponentDefinition
 CSequenceConstraintCan be used to assert restrictions on the relative, sequence-based positions of pairs of Component objects contained by the same parent ComponentDefinition. The primary purpose of this class is to enable the specification of partially designed ComponentDefinition objects, for which the precise positions or orientations of their contained Component objects are not yet fully determined
 CTopLevelAll SBOL classes derived from TopLevel appear as top level nodes in the RDF/XML document tree and SBOL files. An abstract class
 CUsageHow different entities are used in an Activity is specified with the Usage class, which is linked from an Activity through the qualifiedUsage relationship. A Usage is then linked to an Entity through the Entity’s URI and the role of this entity is qualified with the hadRole property. When the wasDerivedFrom property is used together with the full provenance described here, the entity pointed at by the wasDerivedFrom property MUST be included in a Usage
 CVariableComponentCan be used to specify a choice of ComponentDefinition objects for any new Component derived from a template Component in the template ComponentDefinition. This specification is made using the class properties variable, variants, variantCollections, and variantDerivations. While the variants, variantCollections, and variantDerivations properties are OPTIONAL, at least one of them MUST NOT be empty