The ModuleDefinition class represents a grouping of structural and functional entities in a biological design. The primary usage of this class is to assert the molecular interactions and abstract function of its child entities.
URIProperty | roles |
| The roles property is an OPTIONAL set of URIs that clarifies the intended function of a ModuleDefinition. These URIs might identify descriptive biological roles, such as “metabolic pathway” and “signaling cascade,” but they can also identify identify “logical” roles, such as “inverter” or “AND gate”, or other abstract roles for describing the function of design. Interpretation of the meaning of such roles currently depends on the software tools that read and write them.
OwnedObject< Module > | modules |
| The modules property is OPTIONAL and MAY specify a set of Module objects contained by the ModuleDefinition. While the ModuleDefinition class is analogous to a specification sheet for a system of interacting biological elements, the Module class represents the occurrence of a particular subsystem within the system. Hence, this class allows a system design to include multiple instances of a subsystem, all defined by reference to the same ModuleDefinition. For example, consider the ModuleDefinition for a network of two-input repressor devices in which the particular repressors have not been chosen yet. This ModuleDefinition could contain multiple Module objects that refer to the same ModuleDefinition of an abstract two-input repressor device. Note that the set of relations between Module and ModuleDefinition objects is strictly acyclic.
OwnedObject< Interaction > | interactions |
| The interactions property is OPTIONAL and MAY specify a set of Interaction objects within the ModuleDefinition. The Interaction class provides an abstract, machine-readable representation of entity behavior within a ModuleDefinition. Each Interaction contains Participation objects that indicate the roles of the FunctionalComponent objects involved in the Interaction.
OwnedObject< FunctionalComponent > | functionalComponents |
| The functionalComponents property is OPTIONAL and MAY specify a set of FunctionalComponent objects contained by the ModuleDefinition. Just as a Module represents an instance of a subsystem in the overall system represented by a ModuleDefinition, a FunctionalComponent represents an instance of a structural entity (represented by a ComponentDefinition) in the system. This concept allows a ModuleDefinition to assert different interactions for separate copies of the same structural entity if needed. For example, a ModuleDefinition might contain multiple FunctionalComponent objects that refer to the same promoter ComponentDefinition, but assert different interactions for these promoter copies based on their separate positions in another ComponentDefinition that represents the structure of the entire system.
ReferencedObject | models |
| The models property is OPTIONAL and MAY specify a set of URI references to Model objects. Model objects are placeholders that link ModuleDefinition objects to computational models of any format. A ModuleDefinition object can link to more than one Model since each might encode system behavior in a different way or at a different level of detail.
URIProperty | persistentIdentity |
| The persistentIdentity property is OPTIONAL and has a data type of URI. This URI serves to uniquely refer to a set of SBOL objects that are different versions of each other. An Identified object MUST be referred to using either its identity URI or its persistentIdentity URI.
TextProperty | displayId |
| The displayId property is an OPTIONAL identifier with a data type of String. This property is intended to be an intermediate between name and identity that is machine-readable, but more human-readable than the full URI of an identity. If the displayId property is used, then its String value SHOULD be locally unique (global uniqueness is not necessary) and MUST be composed of only alphanumeric or underscore characters and MUST NOT begin with a digit.
VersionProperty | version |
| If the version property is used, then it is RECOMMENDED that version numbering follow the conventions of semantic versioning, particularly as implemented by Maven. This convention represents versions as sequences of numbers and qualifiers that are separated by the characters “.” and “-” and are compared in lexicographical order (for example, 1 < 1.3.1 < 2.0-beta). For a full explanation, see the linked resources.
URIProperty | wasDerivedFrom |
| The wasDerivedFrom property is OPTIONAL and has a data type of URI. An SBOL object with this property refers to another SBOL object or non-SBOL resource from which this object was derived. If the wasDerivedFrom property of an SBOL object A that refers to an SBOL object B has an identical persistentIdentity, and both A and B have a version, then the version of B MUST precede that of A. In addition, an SBOL object MUST NOT refer to itself via its own wasDerivedFrom property or form a cyclical chain of references via its wasDerivedFrom property and those of other SBOL objects. For example, the reference chain “ A was derived from B and B was derived from A” is cyclical.
ReferencedObject | wasGeneratedBy |
| An Activity which generated this ComponentDefinition, eg., a design process like codon-optimization or a construction process like Gibson Assembly.
TextProperty | name |
| The name property is OPTIONAL and has a data type of String. This property is intended to be displayed to a human when visualizing an Identified object. If an Identified object lacks a name, then software tools SHOULD instead display the object’s displayId or identity. It is RECOMMENDED that software tools give users the ability to switch perspectives between name properties that are human-readable and displayId properties that are less human-readable, but are more likely to be unique.
TextProperty | description |
| The description property is OPTIONAL and has a data type of String. This property is intended to contain a more thorough text description of an Identified object.
URIProperty | identity |
| The identity property is REQUIRED by all Identified objects and has a data type of URI. A given Identified object’s identity URI MUST be globally unique among all other identity URIs. The identity of a compliant SBOL object MUST begin with a URI prefix that maps to a domain over which the user has control. Namely, the user can guarantee uniqueness of identities within this domain. For other best practices regarding URIs see Section 11.2 of the SBOL specification doucment.
| ModuleDefinition (std::string uri="example", std::string version=VERSION_STRING) |
| Construct a ModuleDefinition. More...
| ModuleDefinition (rdf_type sbol_type_uri, std::string uri, std::string version) |
| Constructor used for defining extension classes. More...
FunctionalComponent & | setOutput (ComponentDefinition &output) |
| Defines an output for a sub-Module. More...
FunctionalComponent & | setInput (ComponentDefinition &input) |
| Defines an input for a sub-Module. More...
void | setOutput (FunctionalComponent &output) |
| Configures a FunctionalComponent as an output for a Module. More...
void | setInput (FunctionalComponent &input) |
| Configures a FunctionalComponent as an input for a Module. More...
void | connect (FunctionalComponent &output, FunctionalComponent &input) |
| Connects the output of a sub-Module with the input of another sub-Module. More...
void | override (FunctionalComponent &highlevel, FunctionalComponent &lowlevel) |
| Overrides a low-level component in an abstract sub-Module with a high-level component in a parent ModuleDefinition, for example when overriding an abstract template Module with explicit components. More...
std::vector< ModuleDefinition * > | applyToModuleHierarchy (void(*callback_fn)(ModuleDefinition *, void *)=NULL, void *user_data=NULL) |
| Perform an operation on every ModuleDefinition in a structurally-linked hierarchy of ModuleDefinitions by applying a callback function. More...
void | assemble (std::vector< ModuleDefinition * > list_of_modules) |
| Assemble a high-level ModuleDefinition from lower-level submodules. More...
template<class SBOLClass > |
SBOLClass & | copy (Document *target_doc=NULL, std::string ns="", std::string version="") |
| Recursively copies an object. More...
template<class SBOLClass > |
SBOLClass & | simpleCopy (std::string uri) |
| Copies an object. More...
template<class SBOLClass > |
SBOLClass & | generate (std::string uri) |
template<class SBOLClass > |
SBOLClass & | generate (std::string uri, Agent &agent, Plan &plan, std::vector< Identified *> usages={}) |
virtual rdf_type | getTypeURI () |
std::string | getClassName (std::string type) |
SBOLObject * | find (std::string uri) |
| Search this object recursively to see if an object or any child object with URI already exists. More...
SBOLObject * | find_property (std::string uri) |
| Search this object recursively to see if it contains a member property with the given RDF type. More...
std::vector< SBOLObject * > | find_property_value (std::string uri, std::string value, std::vector< SBOLObject *> matches={}) |
| Search this object recursively to see if it contains a member property with the given RDF type and indicated property value. More...
std::vector< SBOLObject * > | find_reference (std::string uri) |
| Search this object recursively to see if it contains a member property with the given RDF type and indicated property value. More...
int | compare (SBOLObject *comparand) |
| Compare two SBOL objects or Documents. More...
std::string | getPropertyValue (std::string property_uri) |
| Get the value of a custom annotation property by its URI. More...
std::vector< std::string > | getPropertyValues (std::string property_uri) |
| Get all values of a custom annotation property by its URI. More...
std::vector< std::string > | getProperties () |
| Gets URIs for all properties contained by this object. More...
void | setPropertyValue (std::string property_uri, std::string val) |
| Set and overwrite the value for a user-defined annotation property. More...
void | addPropertyValue (std::string property_uri, std::string val) |
| Append a value to a user-defined annotation property. More...
void | setAnnotation (std::string property_uri, std::string val) |
| Set the value for a user-defined annotation property. More...
std::string | getAnnotation (std::string property_uri) |
| Get the value of a custom annotation property by its URI. More...
virtual void | close () |
| Use this method to destroy an SBOL object that is not contained by a parent Document. More...