libSBOL  2.3.3
File List
These are the main headers a user (rather than a developer) might need to reference.
[detail level 1234567]
 assembly.cppConvenience methods for manipulating primary sequence structure
 assembly.hConvenience methods for manipulating primary sequence structure
 attachment.hAttachment class
 collection.hCollection class
 component.hComponentInstance, Component, and FunctionalComponent classes
 componentdefinition.hComponentDefinition class
 config.cppGlobal library options and configuration methods
 config.hGlobal library options and configuration methods
 constants.hUsers of libSBOL may find in this file useful and important symbols corresponding to commonly used ontological terms from the Sequence Ontology, Systems Biology Ontology, BioPAX, etc
 dbtl.cppMethods for Design-Build-Test classes
 dbtl.hContains the interface for Design-Build-Test classes
 document.cppDocument class, serialization method, and some low-level accessor methods
 document.hDocument class, serialization method, and some low-level accessor methods
 experiment.hClasses for grouping experimental data files
 identified.hIdentified class
 interaction.hInteraction class
 location.hLocation, Cut, Range, and GenericLocation classes
 mapsto.hMapsTo class
 measurement.hMeasurement class
 model.hModel class
 module.hModule class
 moduledefinition.hModuleDefinition class
 object.cppSBOLObject class (a low-level, abstract class)
 object.hSBOLObject class (a low-level, abstract class)
 participation.hParticipation class
 partshop.hAPI front-end for online bioparts repositories
 properties.cppProperty template classes (eg, TextProperty, URIProperty, IntProperty)
 properties.hProperty template classes (eg, TextProperty, URIProperty, IntProperty)
 property.hProperty template classes (eg, TextProperty, URIProperty, IntProperty)
 provo.hPROV-O ontology for provenance relationships
 sbol.hImport this header to access the libSBOL API
 sbolerror.hSBOLError class and error codes
 sequence.hSequence class
 sequenceannotation.hSequenceAnnotation class
 sequenceconstraint.hSequenceConstraint class
 toplevel.hTopLevel class
 validation.cppValidation rules
 validation.hValidation rules