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Identified → SequenceConstraint

Class to represent an SBOL2 SequenceConstraint.

Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

constructor(sbolDocument: *, uri: *)

Member Summary

Public Members
public set

object(object: string | URI | Component): *

Set the object Component for this SequenceConstraint.

public get

object: URI | Component: *

Retrieve the object Component for this SequenceConstraint.

public set

restriction(restriction: string | URI): *

Set the restriction specifier for this SequenceConstraint.

public get

restriction: URI: *

Retrieve the restriction specifier for this SequenceConstraint.

public set

subject(subject: string | URI | Component): *

Set the subject Component for this SequenceConstraint.

public get

subject: URI | Component: *

Retrieve the subject Component for this SequenceConstraint.

Method Summary

Public Methods


Public Constructors

public constructor(sbolDocument: *, uri: *) source


sbolDocument *
uri *

Public Members

public set object(object: string | URI | Component): * source

Set the object Component for this SequenceConstraint.

public get object: URI | Component: * source

Retrieve the object Component for this SequenceConstraint. May return a URI if the object Component has not yet been resolved.


URI | Component

public set restriction(restriction: string | URI): * source

Set the restriction specifier for this SequenceConstraint.

public get restriction: URI: * source

Retrieve the restriction specifier for this SequenceConstraint.




public set subject(subject: string | URI | Component): * source

Set the subject Component for this SequenceConstraint.

public get subject: URI | Component: * source

Retrieve the subject Component for this SequenceConstraint. May return a URI if the subject Component has not yet been resolved.


URI | Component

Public Methods